Daily Devotion | December 16, 2020

Countdown to Christmas

by Pastor Steph

What’s the deal with Hallmark Christmas movies? The Hallmark holiday channel has people fa-la-la-locking to tune in and see the same movie over and over again. The name of the small town in the made for TV movie changes, but the storyline is the same. It’s quite predictable, actually. There is snow and mistletoe, a plot twist that ends with a kiss. Every. Single. Time. Still, I can’t get enough of it. I watch each movie like it’s brand new. Giddy with excitement I’m glued to the screen between each commercial break and what’s more, I’ve enticed our youngest daughter to join my guilty pleasure counting down to Christmas with each Hallmark premiere.

However, my love for Hallmark Christmas movies isn’t shared by everyone at our house. That’s ok. The teasing I get when I’m watching has only made me a stronger supporter of the movies and helped me articulate why I watch them in the first place. I watch because they are predictable and honestly right now in my life, these movies are one of the only things that is predictable. Life is full of ups and downs, twists and turns and sometimes it’s just nice to know that in the end, everything will be ok.

Scripture makes this promise very clear. Jesus tells us that in this life we will have trouble but, “fear not,” he says, “I have overcome this world.” As a believer, I know that the things of this world will constantly change in and around me. This life will be one plot twist after another, yet still I know how the story ends. It is, quite predictable. Hebrews 13:8 says, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Forever he will love me. Forever he will love you. God in the person of Jesus Christ pours out his heart to romance a world that is torn apart. He forgives our sin over and over again. Every. Single. Time. I know how the story ends and somehow even when life isn’t ok in the day-to-day, I believe that it will one day all be ok and that gives me hope to keep on keeping on.

The countdown to Christmas is on. We know that the small town of Bethlehem will again be the place where he laid his sweet head, but it’s in your heart that he lives today. This King of Kings left his throne in Heaven to live among us. The Greatest became the least and the Father gave up his Son. A plot twist that ends with a kiss for you and for me and for all who confess that Jesus is Lord. Amen!

-- Pastor Steph



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