Daily Devotion | July 30, 2020

Hidden Treasure

by Intern Pastor Meggie

“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which someone found and hid; then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls; on finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought it.”
~ Matthew 13:44-45

Somehow, when I read this passage from Matthew’s gospel, I can’t help but think about Jed Clampett and the “Beverly Hillbillies.” Now, if you have never seen the show, here’s the premise. Jed Clampett is, as the intro song tells us, “a poor mountaineer who barely kept his family fed. Then one day, he was shooting at some food, and up from the ground came a bubblin crude—oil that is, black gold, Texas tea.”

So, here was this poor, country hillbilly from the Ozarks, out hunting one day just trying just to survive, and his missed shot strikes oil. He ends up selling his land for $25 million dollars (which is a huge amount of money for the 1960s!) and Jed and his family move to a mansion in Beverly Hills. Effectively, they move from Redneck to Riches. And then the show details the comedic mishaps of a country family who has now come into the bright lights and the big city of Beverly Hills.

I love this show because it illustrates what treasure is all about. Treasure is the kind of thing that is SO VALUABLE, that people will go through tremendous lengths and undergo tremendous costs to find it or to keep it.

Treasure is the thing that is most precious to us. Our own treasures might be a family heirloom, prized collections, special photographs and memories, a favorite clothing item or accessory, or that nest egg you’ve been building. Treasure might even be certain people—a child, a spouse, or a parent.

Now, there is nothing inherently wrong with treasure, but as the story of Jed Clampett and Matthew 13:44-45 listed above says, every once in a while, we find a treasure that is so precious it changes our whole life.

The Kingdom of Heaven is just such a treasure.

The Kingdom of Heaven is unlike anything we will find here on earth. We can hardly imagine it. It’s like a pearl merchant who finds the ONE, BEST pearl and sells all the others. Or the farmer who finds that one BEST field. Maybe the Kingdom of Heaven is like finding the BEST stock market investment, with 100% gains every year. Or the jackpot of friendships with the one person who never annoys you or disappoints.

The Kingdom of Heaven is so wonderful that even the tiniest taste of it colors the whole day and makes it wonderful.

When was the last time you felt a taste of the Kingdom of Heaven? If you’re reading this devotion, it is likely you’ve already had a profound encounter with Jesus Christ that has left you hungry for more (and if not, I can’t wait until you do!).

So, what was that moment? And how can that moment color your day?

O Lord, your gifts are treasure beyond compare. Help us desire neither gold or silver, trinkets or trivialities, fame or fortune. May the possessions in our life drive us towards you. Give us a taste of the Kingdom of Heaven and use us to help others find this great treasure too. Amen.

Have a good week!

Intern Pastor Meggie Bjertness


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