Daily Devotion | May 31, 2020


by Katie Kringstad

My Grandpa Arlo passed away on April 15, 2017. He was one of my favorite people in the world. No matter how hard life got, and it did get hard, he always had a positive attitude and could make anyone laugh. It was a great gift he had. He was also a practical joker and many of us grandchildren were victims of his jokes. One time he got me was when I was probably around 8 or 9 years old and I called to talk to grandma and grandpa. I called and said, “Hi grandpa!” and the reply I got was, “You must have the wrong number; we don’t even have a phone here.” I quickly apologized and hung up. I sat there for a couple minutes and then it finally dawned on me, “wait a minute if you don’t have a phone how did you answer?” I went and told my mom and she just broke out laughing. So I then called my grandpa back and as soon as he answered all I could hear was laughter.

More importantly than my grandpa’s humor, was his love for his family. 13 years ago in July I was completely broken by alcoholism. It was right after the 4th of July 2007 and I was heading to inpatient treatment for the second time. When you are in the midst of alcoholism you become very self-centered. It’s a part of the disease. So I never really thought I was hurting anyone but myself and I was used to hearing it from my parents since I was 15 so everything they said tended to go in one ear and out the other.

I’m sure some parents out there can relate. My grandpa had never judged me during my times of struggle and never made me feel bad or like I was a horrible person, which I thought I was. I always knew that he loved me no matter what. So as I was walking out the door to head to the treatment center in Minot I turned back to close the door and when I did that I saw my grandpa crying… Now this hit me hard. I had never thought I was causing him pain and my grandpa was certainly one of the last people I would ever want to hurt. I can’t even explain how I felt in that moment, but I knew that it had to stop; that I had to stop hurting people. I never did drink again after that. It is amazing the difference that he made in my life by loving me unconditionally. He helped save me through his love.

I believe this can relate to our relationship with our Holy Father. When we are off course and hurting ourselves and others it breaks our God’s heart. There are so many ways we harm ourselves and others and sometimes we don’t even see that we are doing it. Addiction, misspent time and priorities, money, lying, hanging onto the past, jealously, blame, anger,  regret; these seemingly small things can have huge effects on our lives and the lives of those who love us. If you could look back as you walk out the door tomorrow morning and see the face of God, what would you see?

We are children of God and God loves each of us so very much that it pains him to see us struggling through this life. God’s love can also be life changing. God does not look down on us or think we are horrible people because of our struggles. He loves us unconditionally despite our faults. If we can open our eyes and let God into our hearts and daily lives anything is possible.

If you see something in your life that is bringing you down please look to the face of God and his love will help you through. God will NEVER give up on you so I pray that you will not give up on yourself.


“In all their suffering he also suffered, and he personally rescued them. In his love and mercy he redeemed them. He lifted them up and carried them through all the years.”
– Isaiah 63:9

“Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."
– Matthew19:26

Have a blessed week,

Katie Kringstad
Intern Pastor / Director of Children's Ministry