Daily Devotion | November 16, 2020

A Gift

by Pastor Marty

A gift opens doors; it gives access to the great…
Proverbs 18:16

John came to church every Sunday. He came through the doors with a smile along with an extra dose of energy. The first thing on his bucket-list was a cup of coffee and a doughnut. John had a generous spirit and was always prepared to share this joy with others. He had offering envelopes and was one of our best givers. Every Sunday, he never missed. At year end, it probably amounted to about $5 but he was a cheerful giver and knew this value of stewardship. His whole life was this gift, and it embodied a deep joy!

Alice came to church regularly. Often, she would bring gifts and lay them at our doors. Her thoughtfulness was always more valuable then the gifts, themselves. I remember one Wednesday night where she was sitting for worship. The offering plates were passed. Afterwards, the usher said that he had found a watch in the offering. A watch? I imagine that the offering plate was coming towards Alice. She probably had little money in her pockets, but she had to give something…that was Alice. So, she took off her watch and dropped it into the plate. Beautiful. Moreover, it is, as if, she got into the offering plate and gave herself away. Her whole life was this gift, and it embodied a deep joy!

John and Alice gave good gifts! They gave themselves away with joy and delight. You too, have much to give. It might be your time or expertise. It might be a note or a phone call. It might be volunteering. It might be your kind words or encouragement. It might be your leadership or mentorship. It might be walking alongside someone during a hard season. It might be loving the unlovable. It might be…. Jesus invites us to give. He invites us to give to the last, the least, the lost, and the lonely. He invites us to give to the hungry and thirsty; welcome the stranger, clothe the naked, and visit the sick and those who are in prison. He invites us to give with our life!

A gift opens doors.
A gift gives us access to the great.

I will always remember John and Alice because they walked through the open door of generosity. Their life, and how they lived their life, gave access to the great…the greatness of our God!

-- Pastor Marty


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