Daily Devotion | September 4, 2021

In Need of a Fresh Spirit

by Shelly Erickson

In conversations with many different people this past month, I have heard so much weariness and heartache. Some people are just trying to hold it all together, some facing life decisions regarding health, ending of a marriage, ending of a generation, and realizing that they're the next. So much tough life stuff.

In reading one of my favorite prayer books, "Ash and Starlight - prayers for the chaos and grace of daily life," I was reminded of this prayer, "In need of a fresh spirit."

As I sat in my "spot" I read and prayed this prayer. As I prayed and savored words and phrases, I could feel my body beginning to relax and my mind settling and letting go of necessary information and distractions. As I began to rest I could feel God's presence and gentle reminder to let go - release. I hope you discover God in this prayer and listen to what God might have to say just to you.

And may you unclench, release and find rest for your soul.


Holy God,

Unfurl, unclench, 
release and relax my soul this day.

Unwind the tangled thoughts
that have trapped me
in webs of worry this week.

Show me I'm not cornered
in the decisions I face.

Bring my heart, mind,
conversations, and circumstances
into alignment as I seek to
keep putting one foot in front of the other...
peeling back the layers, one at a time,
to the person you've made me to be,
to the pieces of you placed within me.

I want to live with integrity, Lord-
to be whole on my inside and outside
and honest about my motives.

I hunger to hold quiet courage-
to be so steady in your promises
that I stop getting caught in comparison.

I need to see myself the way you do-
beloved and cherished and
completely enough.

Please, Holy Spirit release my fear,
ushering into its place
new trust, confidence, and peace.

May I claim that spirit of power,
love, and self-discipline today
as I offer my life to you and your purpose.

As I follow your beckoning,
my soul's face will emerge,
will smile, and will begin again.


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-- Shelly

Shelly Erickson
Spiritual Director


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