B - begin with prayer
L - listen
E - eat
S - serve
S - story
The summer preaching and teaching series at First Lutheran is entitled BLESS. We will explore ways, as a community of faith, to share our blessings with our neighbors on Broadway and beyond. Through the study of Scripture and reading the book, B.L.E.S.S.: 5 Everyday Ways to Love your Neighbor and Change the World, we will practice the principles of blessing as featured in the book by Dave Ferguson and Jon Ferguson.
Join the movement to BLESS others!
Sign your own B.L.E.S.S. Pledge - Download here!
Find inspiration and read our list of 101 Ways to BLESS Others, and PLEDGE with us to love our neighbors as ourselves. If you'll notice, there are a few blank spots - share your BLESS ideas on Facebook.
Purchase the book at the front Welcome desk today and follow along.